I heart Valentine’s Day

If my husband is reading that post title, he is cringing. He hates Valentine’s Day. Over the weekend, he asked me, “When is Valentine’s Day again?” When I told him it’s Thursday, he let out a long, low growling sound. Maybe that sounds kind of sexy and romantic. It wasn’t.

Like many men, I suspect he dislikes the pressure and expectation to deliver some wonderfully romantic gesture on cue. Plus there’s the fact that flowers, cards, chocolate, etc. are all marked up at least 50%.

That’s fine with me (he does a pretty decent job of surprising me with nice little gestures on random days, so I’ll let it slide, though if he screws up my birthday cake again this year, I won’t be so forgiving!). No, I don’t love Valentine’s Day because I’m showered with romance and chocolate (I prefer Jelly Bellies). Actually, I just enjoy an excuse to do something special for my kids, decorate things with hearts, maybe bake something yummy, and if it’s a good year, possibly get a card from Mike.

I must admit I was lazy with my decorating this year, and didn’t do much. Or, anything really, unless you count displaying one glass jar filled with sparkly red hearts. But, I’m enormous, and preoccupied with counting days until I have a baby, so I get a free pass. I did, however, get my act together enough to put together something fun and creative for Garrett’s class valentines.


Aren’t they cute? I can’t take credit for the idea, but the execution was aaalllll me, folks, and let me tell you, it was ridiculously easy. I got the idea, and the printable from a Pinterest pin for 12 No Candy Valentine’s. Are you surprised?

I have no problem with special occasions and sweet treats (see above mentioned Jelly Belly shower), but I don’t think that EVERYTHING about every holiday or event needs to be centered around candy. I’d like to be able to make my kids waffles for breakfast, or bake some of my dad’s famous chocolate chip bars (and cut them into heart shapes of course) with the knowledge that THAT is the treat they are getting for the day. Not waffles on top of 25 packets of lip-shaped suckers, chocolate kisses, conversation hearts, and whatever else they are bombarded with throughout the day.

It’s about choices. Choosing the things that are worth it, and saying “no” to the rest of it. Because you can’t have all of it and expect to still fit in your pants. And if you do have all of it, none of it is really all that special.

Besides, kids dig crazy straws and bouncy balls. And if they don’t, they’ll get over it. See, there I go, glowing with the Valentine’s spirit of love. Enjoy!

Update: Just checked out Young House Love and they have a great post on another cute class Valentine idea. Have a look-see.

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